A Life Changing Experience for Restaurant Owners
Closing late one night the owners (husband / wife) were locking up, arming their security system, and walking out the door. Outside 2 men faced them in stocking masks and a gun. The owners were forced back through the door. The husband told his wife once inside to run. The alarm was in the final stages of arming, as she ran to the office to dial 911 and hide.
She knew the alarm would go off any second. She heard a shot and feared the worst. Then she saw her husband run by her hiding place. When the police arrived, all were safe and the robbers had fled. Almost 2 hours later the monitoring station dispatchers identified they received several alarms along with arming and disarming signals, all at once. The owner was concerned the dispatchers were only receiving them just now, almost 2 hours late.
Earlier one of the owners had noticed a trouble display on the keypad, but did not check, assuming it was a low battery condition. The reason that the dispatchers received the alarm signals almost 2 hours too late is the trouble light was indicating a missing phone line. It had become missing shortly before the robbery. The phone line returned, 2 hours after the robbery, allowing the security system to then immediately communicate the alarms to the monitoring station.
Once they realized what had caused the monitoring delay problem, they requested the unique monitoring services that Elite Security has developed for our clients needs.